Five Common Myths About the Crusades

Myth #1: The Crusades were Unprovoked Attacks on the Muslims

By the time of the Crusades, the Muslims had violently taken more than 2/3 of the Christian world, and they were even threatening to take Constantinople. Traveling to Jerusalem had become increasingly dangerous for Christians.

Myth #2: The Christians were Attempting to Convert the Muslims by Force

The purpose of the crusades was to reclaim the Holy Land, not to convert Muslims either peacefully or forcefully. There were many Muslims in Christian territories that were allowed to continue practicing their religion. If the goal had been conversions, they would have started with Muslims in their own territory.

Myth #3: The Motivation of the Crusaders was Monetary Gain

The Crusades were collectively probably the most expensive ordeal that Christendom has ever supported. It took an incredible amount of time, money, and dedication to even get to front lines. Some scholars estimate that 75% of the Crusaders died on their mission. Those who did make it back safely were usually completely destitute. If the Crusades really were thought to be a monetary investment, then they weren’t a good one. The Crusaders didn’t get either land or money out of it, at least not more than they lost.

Rather, as the crusaders themselves said, the crusades were a way to do penance (enduring difficulties to pay for sins).

Myth #4: The Muslims’ Resentment of the Crusades Led to 20th and 21st-Century Terrorism

The Crusades were such an utter failure that the Muslims hardly thought them to be worth mentioning. If the Muslims did talk about the Crusades, it would have been more of a joke than anything else.

Myth #5: There was a Children’s Crusade

While there was an uprising that involved children, it mainly consisted of poor people in general. It was not even considered to be a crusade, as they didn’t get very far. When a body of water was unexpectedly not parted before them, the crowd dispersed and the Pope relieved them of their vows.

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